Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Send a friend request to VALUES and ETHICS

Last week, during an interaction with very down to earth yet flying high in the sky person (I am not disclosing his name because of privacy), I came across a very serious topic which we are forgetting these days. The topic was ‘Ethics’ or in a simple word ‘VALUES’.
So, what does this word mean? Let me tell you. Values or Ethics simply means your own ground rules, your life principles, and your own family cognizance. Without these little yet heavy things our life has no sense. Moving on to other things that defines Values and Ethics are things like Humanity, giving appraisals to those who are doing great works, accepting your mistake when you are wrong and accepting defeat with wide open arms. The list is long but these things are the crux.
21st century is nothing but basically a century in which we are bending towards the western culture. We are accepting their culture but are slowly throwing water to the beautiful painting of the Indian Culture. To know the Value of our Values, we must thrive towards the zeal to know our culture first. Our culture teaches us to offer a thank you to those who help us in living a better life. We are forgetting that how much beneficial and peaceful is to offer a thank you to that one supreme power who created us. He is not only god, this could be anything. Things like trees, sun, moon, earth or anything that are supporting you to lead this beautiful life are worth of a thank you. Offer Prayers to him at least for one minute and see the difference that it makes into your life. Say thank you to your nearby trees and grasses and see the satisfaction that you get. All these above things are basically a part of Humanity which in turn merges with Values and Ethics.
All these things teach us things that you cannot learn in any Business Schools or IITs or others. We are in those years where an MBA degree is praised or valued. MBA teaches us how to become a great manager or how to lead a successful life, basically it teaches us to Praise your colleagues, Accept your mistake and move on or it teaches us to accept weak moments or defeats with open arms. Did you see what I am trying to say? I think that you have made a connection. MBA degree or any degrees are just like boosting station to your life, to your values or ethics. Remember just a boosting station. For arriving to a boosting station, we first have to create the product and that could be done only by creating your Ethics, Values or Principle for your life.
Your Values and Ethics are also the backbone to Ethical leadership. If you have not created or made your life’s principle clear then there is not anyway you cannot lead your colleagues because the very basic requirement of being a great leader is trust, honest, and charisma, which can only be learnt in the school of life.
So, login into school of life and first thing on your check list should be to send friend request to Values and Ethics, so that they could guide you towards a successful and a happy life.

‘Remember, there is no any best school or institutes in the world than Life itself. But it only takes those who have passed the test of Values and Ethics.’

Harsh Deep.

Sunday, 9 July 2017

Give a hi5 to your past!

Past never leaves us. It somehow finds a way to haunt us, sometimes as a nightmare or sometimes the present situation reminds us about our past. It has forfeited us all. No one is spared.
But the past has something to tell us, something to teach us.
‘Nothing lasts forever’, accept this. Nothing lasts. From a best friend to a love, all gets fucked over. The past somehow is related with that term. Whenever we see the old ones, the past somehow manages to pave down its way to our memory lane and we all fall to that. We know that, it will hurt but we take that risk and forget the fact that ‘Nothing lasts forever’.
We often run from our pasts and as a result it haunts us. Don’t run from it, face it, talk to it, Go back, smile at those moments, smile at those silly funny moments. Sit down there with those past moments and note down the mistakes you did there, learn from them.
Remember, sitting down in solitude is not a bad thing. People often term the solituDers as anti-social. It’s not that. Sit with yourself. Talk to yourself, go back to your past but remember don’t relive them, only learn from them. It will give you pleasure because a moment spent with yourself will definitely be the best of your moments.
Time alone spent is a time that shows us who we truly are!

Harsh Deep.

From my pen...for you!

2016 and 2017 were tough and learning year for me. The way, 2015 made me reach the destination station, I had no clue that 2016 and 2017 ...