Sunday, 13 August 2017

3D View of Life

Suppose, you love writing. You are writing, writing and writing all day long without any end to that story. How will you feel? Irritated? Dumb?  or if any other adjective you have in your mind, you can use it.
So, to finish that story you got to have some end to that. Same is with Life. If you are continuously walking without any goal to reach somewhere, you are just wasting your time and Life’s time as well. You got to have aim, some destination for yourself then only you will able to absorb the essence of life, which is ‘Excitement’, without which life becomes dull. And if you don’t have any goal then you will continue to do the same thing again and again and that is where it becomes dull, frankly, you will become dull.
Let me give you a glass, which we all use in theatres to experience a film more lively on the screen. Yes! You got it right. It is 3D glass. With it, you will be able to experience life with depth, with its true beauty and feel.
This 3D is ‘Dream, Determination, Discipline’. I will keep it short so that after reading this article you get some time to use this 3D glass.
Let us go to the Writing example. Suppose you have a dream to write a book, and you are writing it with a dream to get it published, so now you are with a goal, a dream, and not like earlier where you didn’t have any goals and where you were just writing and writing and wasting your precious time. Now, this dream of yours will push you forward to get it done at any cost, going beyond any barriers. During this whole barrier crossing things you will face many down moments, like, you will not get what to write after one scene or you will not like what you have written or the most common thing that we face during writing is when you have to wake up at night just to write one paragraph and who likes to unwrap oneself from the arms of our beloved sleep, so this is where ‘Determination’ steps in and hugs us.
This word Determination is not just a combination of  6 vowels and 8 consonants, it is a pack of muscles which can lift you up from any situations, any pit. You just have to call it once and it will be with you until last. If you have decided to get something then your Determination will make sure that you have every means to get your goal. It will provide you with Self-confidence which will further fix the track for you to get that goal.
Coming to our last D, which is Discipline, without which your Dream and Determination, both are futile. You have to get married to this term if you want to achieve your goal. Again, in writing, if you are writing something and you have not fixed any deadline within which you will achieve your last full stop of that story, then you will be writing lethargically which will again be the first instance where you were writing without any goal/dream. You will be like, ‘I will do it some other day’ ‘I don’t have any deadline given then why do I write everyday’ and this way your book will never see its deserving full stop, its deserving pack of writers and you will not get you pack of FANs.
If you want to achieve something in your given share of LifeTime, then you will need to wear Life’s 3D glasses. You can get yours by ordering it from your soul store. Contact your soul and order it and wear it.

Have a happy view of your life.

Harsh Deep

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